A very small Louis Vuitton store on this site was completely removed, doubled in size & fitted out in the latest store design. The extra space allowed for a wider product range to be displayed & for additional on
site services for customers.
Working within the Old Customhouse, a Category 1 heritage listed
building required special care with the design. It was required that all ornate detail of the original building was retained, and the large original rooms could not be sub-divided into smaller spaces. Balancing these requirements was the need for the new store to be commercially sensible. The solution was to use some low partitions to ensure the original atmosphere of the larger spaces could still be appreciated, &
for special open backed display units in front of 1 window to allow sufficient product display yet the original building was still visible
and respected.
To allow continued trading throughout the works the fitout was
completed in 2 stages over 10 weeks.

Louis Vuitton Customhouse
Louis Vuitton Cup Store